"""As the main entry point of the ConfigUpdater library, this module is responsible
for combining the data layer provided by the :mod:`configupdater.document` module
and the parsing capabilities of :mod:`configupdater.parser`.
To complete the API, this module adds file handling functions, so that you can read a
configuration file from the disk, change it to your liking and save the updated
import sys
from configparser import Error
from types import MappingProxyType as ReadOnlyMapping
from typing import Optional, TextIO, Tuple, TypeVar
if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 9): # pragma: no cover
from collections.abc import Iterable, Mapping
List = list
Dict = dict
else: # pragma: no cover
from typing import Iterable, Mapping
from .block import (
from .document import Document
from .option import NoneValueDisallowed, Option
from .parser import Parser, PathLike
from .section import Section
__all__ = [
T = TypeVar("T", bound="ConfigUpdater")
class NoConfigFileReadError(Error):
"""Raised when no configuration file was read but update requested."""
def __init__(self):
super().__init__("No configuration file was yet read! Use .read(...) first.")
class ConfigUpdater(Document):
"""Tool to parse and modify existing ``cfg`` files.
ConfigUpdater follows the API of ConfigParser with some differences:
* inline comments are treated as part of a key's value,
* only a single config file can be updated at a time,
* the original case of sections and keys are kept,
* control over the position of a new section/key.
Following features are **deliberately not** implemented:
* interpolation of values,
* propagation of parameters from the default section,
* conversions of values,
* passing key/value-pairs with ``default`` argument,
* non-strict mode allowing duplicate sections and keys.
**ConfigUpdater** objects can be created by passing the same kind of arguments
accepted by the :class:`Parser`. After a ConfigUpdater object is created, you can
load some content into it by calling any of the ``read*`` methods
(:meth:`read`, :meth:`read_file` and :meth:`read_string`).
Once the content is loaded you can use the ConfigUpdater object more or less in the
same way you would use a nested dictionary. Please have a look into
:class:`Document` to understand the main differences.
When you are done changing the configuration file, you can call :meth:`write` or
:meth:`update_file` methods.
def __init__(
delimiters: Tuple[str, ...] = ("=", ":"),
comment_prefixes: Tuple[str, ...] = ("#", ";"),
inline_comment_prefixes: Optional[Tuple[str, ...]] = None,
strict: bool = True,
empty_lines_in_values: bool = True,
space_around_delimiters: bool = True,
self._parser_opts = {
"allow_no_value": allow_no_value,
"delimiters": delimiters,
"comment_prefixes": comment_prefixes,
"inline_comment_prefixes": inline_comment_prefixes,
"strict": strict,
"empty_lines_in_values": empty_lines_in_values,
"space_around_delimiters": space_around_delimiters,
self._syntax_options = ReadOnlyMapping(self._parser_opts)
self._filename: Optional[PathLike] = None
def _instantiate_copy(self: T) -> T:
"""Will be called by ``Container.__deepcopy__``"""
clone = self.__class__(**self._parser_opts)
clone.optionxform = self.optionxform # type: ignore[method-assign]
clone._filename = self._filename
return clone
def _parser(self, **kwargs):
opts = {"optionxform": self.optionxform, **self._parser_opts, **kwargs}
return Parser(**opts)
def syntax_options(self) -> Mapping:
return self._syntax_options
def read(self: T, filename: PathLike, encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> T:
"""Read and parse a filename.
filename (str): path to file
encoding (str): encoding of file, default None
self._filename = filename
return self._parser().read(filename, encoding, self)
def read_file(self: T, f: Iterable[str], source: Optional[str] = None) -> T:
"""Like read() but the argument must be a file-like object.
The ``f`` argument must be iterable, returning one line at a time.
Optional second argument is the ``source`` specifying the name of the
file being read. If not given, it is taken from f.name. If ``f`` has no
``name`` attribute, ``<???>`` is used.
f: file like object
source (str): reference name for file object, default None
if hasattr(f, "name"):
self._filename = f.name
return self._parser().read_file(f, source, self)
def read_string(self: T, string: str, source="<string>") -> T:
"""Read configuration from a given string.
string (str): string containing a configuration
source (str): reference name for file object, default '<string>'
return self._parser().read_string(string, source, self)
def write(self, fp: TextIO, validate: bool = True):
# TODO: For Python>=3.8 instead of TextIO we can define a Writeable protocol
"""Write an .cfg/.ini-format representation of the configuration state.
fp (file-like object): open file handle
validate (Boolean): validate format before writing
if validate:
def update_file(self: T, validate: bool = True) -> T:
"""Update the read-in configuration file.
validate (Boolean): validate format before writing
if self._filename is None:
raise NoConfigFileReadError()
if validate: # validate BEFORE opening the file!
with open(self._filename, "w") as fb:
self.write(fb, validate=False)
return self