Source code for configupdater.block

"""Together with :mod:`~configupdater.container` this module forms the basis of
the class hierarchy in **ConfigUpdater**.

The :class:`Block` is the parent class of everything that can be nested inside a
configuration file, e.g. comments, sections, options and even sequences of white space.
import sys
from copy import deepcopy
from inspect import cleandoc
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, TypeVar, Union, cast

if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 9):  # pragma: no cover
    List = list
else:  # pragma: no cover
    from typing import List

    from .builder import BlockBuilder
    from .container import Container

T = TypeVar("T")
B = TypeVar("B", bound="Block")

def _short_repr(block) -> str:
    if isinstance(block, str):
        return block
    name = getattr(block, "raw_key", None) or getattr(block, "name", None)
    name = f" {name!r}" if name else ""
    return f"<{block.__class__.__name__}{name}>"

[docs] class NotAttachedError(Exception): """{block} is not attached to a container yet. Try to insert it first.""" def __init__(self, block: Union[str, "Block"] = "The block"): doc = cleandoc(cast(str, self.__class__.__doc__)) msg = doc.format(block=_short_repr(block)) super().__init__(msg)
[docs] class AlreadyAttachedError(Exception): """{block} has been already attached to a container. Try to remove it first using ``detach`` or create a copy using stdlib's ``copy.deepcopy``. """ def __init__(self, block: Union[str, "Block"] = "The block"): doc = cleandoc(cast(str, self.__class__.__doc__)) msg = doc.format(block=_short_repr(block)) super().__init__(msg)
[docs] class AssignMultilineValueError(Exception): """Trying to assign a multi-line value to {block}. Use the ``set_values`` or ``append`` method to accomplish that. """ def __init__(self, block: Union[str, "Block"] = "The block"): doc = cleandoc(cast(str, self.__class__.__doc__)) msg = doc.format(block=_short_repr(block)) super().__init__(msg)
class Block: """Abstract Block type holding lines Block objects hold original lines from the configuration file and hold a reference to a container wherein the object resides. The type variable ``T`` is a reference for the type of the sibling blocks inside the container. """ def __init__(self, container: Optional["Container"] = None): self._container = container self._lines: List[str] = [] self._updated = False def __str__(self) -> str: return "".join(self._lines) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}: {str(self)!r}>" def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return str(self) == str(other) else: return False def __deepcopy__(self: B, memo: dict) -> B: clone = self._instantiate_copy() clone._lines = deepcopy(self._lines, memo) clone._updated = self._updated memo[id(self)] = clone return clone def _instantiate_copy(self: B) -> B: """Auxiliary method that allows subclasses calling ``__deepcopy__``""" return self.__class__(container=None) # allow overwrite for different init args # ^ A fresh copy should always be made detached from any container def add_line(self: B, line: str) -> B: """PRIVATE: this function is not part of the public API of Block. It is only used internally by other classes of the package during parsing. Add a line to the current block Args: line (str): one line to add """ self._lines.append(line) return self @property def lines(self) -> List[str]: return self._lines @property def container(self) -> "Container": """Container holding the block""" if self._container is None: raise NotAttachedError(self) return self._container @property def container_idx(self: B) -> int: """Index of the block within its container""" return self.container.structure.index(self) @property def updated(self) -> bool: """True if the option was changed/updated, otherwise False""" # if no lines were added, treat it as updated since we added it return self._updated or not self._lines def _builder(self, idx: int) -> "BlockBuilder": from .builder import BlockBuilder return BlockBuilder(self.container, idx) @property def add_before(self) -> "BlockBuilder": """Block builder inserting a new block before the current block""" return self._builder(self.container_idx) @property def add_after(self) -> "BlockBuilder": """Block builder inserting a new block after the current block""" return self._builder(self.container_idx + 1) @property def next_block(self) -> Optional["Block"]: """Next block in the current container""" idx = self.container_idx + 1 if idx < len(self.container): return self.container.structure[idx] else: return None @property def previous_block(self) -> Optional["Block"]: """Previous block in the current container""" idx = self.container_idx - 1 if idx >= 0: return self.container.structure[idx] else: return None def detach(self: B) -> B: """Remove and return this block from container""" self.container._remove_block(self.container_idx) self._container = None return self def has_container(self) -> bool: """Checks if this block has a container attached""" return not (self._container is None) def attach(self: B, container: "Container") -> B: """PRIVATE: Don't use this as a user! Rather use `add_*` or the bracket notation """ if self._container is not None and self._container is not container: raise AlreadyAttachedError(self) self._container = container return self
[docs] class Comment(Block): """Comment block"""
[docs] class Space(Block): """Vertical space block of new lines"""